First and foremost, we are a team of volunteers.

At many non-profits, volunteers assist the staff to see through the organization’s mission. At May We Help, though, the staff exists to support the work of the volunteers.


John V. Mock, Board Chair
Madhu Vrishabhendra, Vice Chair
Paul Henkel, Secretary
Craig Rowitz, Treasurer
Sam Becker
Amy Castellini
Bill DeimlingCo-founder, Director Emeritus
Dave Dombrowski
Mike Ehrensberger
Nancy Keyser
Bill Sand, Co-founder, Director Emeritus
Sandra M. Eismann-Harpen
Rich Hidy


Greg Waddell
Greg WaddellExecutive Director
Brianne Wilkerson
Brianne WilkersonPrograms Director
Tom Hanson
Tom HansonWorkshop Manager
Beau Bramer
Beau Bramer Project Manager
Wendy Ransom
Wendy RansomOffice Administrator
Emma Lockwood
Emma LockwoodGraphic Designer